Some Awesome Historic Photography Facts We Bet You Don’t Know 

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Photography is an amazing art that transforms the way we see the world. It has changed the way we capture and perceive nature. Moreover, photography has a fascinating and rich history. Since the digital revolution of the 21st century, photography has kept evolving and changed over time, mirroring and shaping the growth of society.

If you are looking for some interesting facts regarding photography, so in this article we are going to share some interesting historical facts about photography. Let’s get started!

10 Interesting Historic Photography Facts 

Fact 1: The First Photo Was Accidental 

Did you know that the first photo captured in 1828 by Louis Daguerre was accidental? His main goal is to capture the photo of Boulevard Du Temple in Paris but accidentally he captured the person’s photo. 

However, the man in the photo is standing and fixing his shoes, the timer lasted for a few seconds so he was also captured in that photo.


Fact 02: The First Digital Camera Invention 

Did you know that the first ever digital camera was invented in 1975 by Steven Sasson? At that time he was working in Eastman Kodak.

Fact 03: The First Digital Camera Weighed 

It will be more interesting for you to know that the first digital camera weighed almost 8 pounds and its shot is only 0.01 MP. 

Fact 04: Color Photograph Invention: 

Did you know the first color photograph was invented in 1861 by Thomas Sutton who suggested the process to produce the color images? As a result, it generates an amazing outcome. He utilized the three colors in photo red, green, and blue filters which were then projected onto the photo-sensitive plate. 

Fact 05: The first Image was Projected Through a Camera Obscura 

The first ever image was projected through a camera obscura. It directly comes from Latin and means “Dark Room”. A Chinese philosopher, named Mozi recorded this idea between 470 and 391 BCE. 

One of the amazing facts about this is a “Pinhole Camera” where the light showed outside on a wall or screen across the hole. If you carefully look at the reflected picture, you can see that it was backward. 

Fact 06: Daguerreotype

Louis Daguerre created the daguerreotype in 1839, which was the first public announcement of a photographic method. It produced a single image on a silvered copper plate, marking a huge advancement in photography. 

Fact 07: Kodak Camera 

In 1888, George Eastman Invented the Kodak camera, which became available to everyone. The slogan was “You press the button we do the rest” which was the perfect phrase that showed how easy it was to use it.

Fact 08: 35mm Film

35mm film camera was introduced by the German engineer Oskar Barnack who made the Leica I in 1925. This format was used for both movies and photos.

Fact 09: Polaroid Instant Photography 

In 1948, Edward H. Land made the first polaroid camera, the model 95. This camera developed the photo in about 60 seconds, changing how people took and shared the images forever. 

Fact 10: 1800s Popular Subjects for Photography Weren’t Alive 

One of the interesting facts about historic photoshoots is that dead bodies used to be one of the most popular things in shoot. This was a way to record the memories and pictures of the dead family members.

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