• Property Type: 2BHK Apartment (700 sq ft)
  • Location: Dubai (near dubai mall)
  • No. of Photos: UPTO 10 High Quality Edited Photos
  • Shoot Duration: 1 Hour


  • 2 bedrooms
  • 1 barbeque area
  • 1 swimming pool
  • 2 washroom
  • 1 balcony
  • living room

Photography Requirements:

  • 10 high-quality photos

Videography Requirements:

  • 1 Highlight Video (up to 5 minutes)


  • 10 high-quality photos to be delivered
  • 1 Highlight Video (up to 5 minutes)
  • All high-quality data to be delivered

Submit your full name, your bid / answer, and portfolio link below

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