A Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Photography
Nowadays, real estate photography has become a vast field for photographers. Professional photographs of a real estate site can make or demolish its listing. It provides information according to the client’s requirements.WOW Shoots is an excellent photography agency that provides construction and real estate photography services in Dubai and all across UAE.
Exterior and interior real estate photography is the primary source for property owners to market their property. Most landlords hire a professional photographer to take the best quality image of interior and exterior building structures.
High-resolution photographs can make a profound impact on the whole renting experience. A customer can feasibly find real estate professionals through online websites.
In this article, we will discuss how to capture the best real estate photos and edit them to make your listing more attractive. But before that, we will take a short review on choosing the right camera equipment for real estate photography.
Must Visit: Real Estate Photography Services
Why Does Real Estate Photography Matter?
Nowadays, real estate photography has become an essential topic in this whimsical world. Professional photography is crucial for selling and rental experience. Definitely, this career is attractive to many eyes as it includes fun and a good income.
Stunning real estate photographs will attract clients. In this way, clients will most likely want to meet the landlord for rental purposes. So, the best real estate listing photographs will surely attract clients.

1. Choosing Right Camera Equipment
The selection of the right camera equipment is far more important than anything in real estate photography.
i. Camera
If you are a beginner, then DSLR would be your best choice. All you need is a good result digital camera with a better focal length, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO adjustment.
If you are shooting in low light, then high ISO would be a better choice for you. Here are many features which are responsible for creating stunning real estate photography.
ii. Standard Camera Lenses
The other equipment required is an interchangeable camera lens. I would recommend a wide-angle lens because it helps small areas look wider and also helps to highlight in-depth coverage. The optimum range of lenses for real estate photography is 10-22mm, 12-24mm for cropped sensor cameras, and 16-35mm for full-frame cameras.
iii. Tripod
The third camera equipment is a tripod that will help you take multiple stable pictures at a time. If you are taking photographs with long exposures, the appropriate steadiness of your camera is essential. Tripod is the best component of real estate photography.
iv. Light Modifier
It can improve light for your pictures. It is also used to stabilize uneven light for photographs, whether the surroundings have natural or artificial lighting.
Recommended light modifiers are umbrella mount and accessories; it provides an elegant way to standardize the scope of natural and artificial lights in the surroundings.
Therefore, it works as light shaping equipment to soften, decrease and broaden the illumination to capture the accurate shot. Barn Doors, these light modifiers are used to control the directions of lights; it is used to highlight a specific object without unwanted spills.

2. Understanding your Camera Setting
For a better understanding of the camera setting, you must master the art of capturing light. Hence, you need to understand the concept of the exposure triangle, which includes shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.
i. Shutter speed
A sufficient amount of time in which the camera’s shutter stays open to expose the light to camera sensors for the suitable amount of natural light. It is suggested that shutter speed should be around 1/60 and half a second.
ii. Aperture
It helps to determine the wideness of the lens while you take pictures. In the case of real estate photography, most photographers choose the aperture between F8 and F11.
iii. ISO
All you need is a good digital camera with a better ISO adjustment. In the niche of real estate photography, it is suggested that ISO should be kept low unless you do not want a picture with a full-grain result. The standard range of ISO in real estate photography is 400.

3. How to do Real Estate Photography
Always know what you are going to capture for real estate photography. Here are few steps which will help you in achieving real estate photography;
i. Proper Planning
Buyers are always eager to look at the exterior design of the house. So, it is best to know which angle will be beneficial for you to achieve stunning photography. Capture the exterior photos of the building from front to back. Exterior photos also include exterior features of the house, like a swimming pool and garden.
However, the interior structure is also necessary when it comes to real estate photography. Interior structure includes bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen room.
ii. Adjust the Angle
Before capturing an inside picture of the house, make sure which angle is best suitable for you. Therefore, shooting from a low angle will make your object or room bigger. Also, lighting and camera setting is an essential step when capturing the interior photograph.
iii. Shooting Three Photographs on your Camera
Make sure to take multiple photos before selecting the best one from them. Because of the angles and lighting effects, it is crucial to take at least three photographs. So, it will be feasible for you to select the best one. However, never forget to take photos from different angles.
iv. Consider Re-Editing
After shooting, it is crucial to make the picture astounding. For this, a little bit of re-editing is required. Before editing, look for the software that will make the photograph more amazing.
However, there are different software available on the market that will re-edit the photograph. But before that, you need to gain basic knowledge of how to use the software. I would advise you to use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom or Photos for desktop and VSCO or Snapseed for mobile.
There are a variety of things you should consider when re-editing the picture.
- Always make sure that your photo is aligned vertically and horizontally to the edges of your frames. Although, this is a professional tip when publishing any picture on social media platforms.
- Crop the area of the picture which is totally obnoxious and unwanted.
- Use HDR to adjust the darker parts and help in balancing the uneven lighting of the image.
- The final step is to look at the image for further retouching procedure. If the photograph looks stunning, then you have done a wonderful job as a real estate photographer.

In the above context, we have briefly discussed real estate photography. So here are some basic tips that will help you in achieving the best in real estate photography. Also, you need to understand the basic photography skills to become a professional real estate photographer. WOW Shoots are providing fascinating photographs in Dubai and all across UAE.